Log of the blog

Posted on Jul 3, 2024

Changes of the site (reverse chronological order using tac)

2024-07-03 - advertising for an M2 position for 2025

2024-01-24 - thoughts about AI, and large scale results and publications

2023-03-28 - including R markdown output in a page about codon optimization

2023-03-09 - creation of the log of the blog

2023-03-06 - advertising for an M2 position for 2024

2023-01-28 - mention of the biorxiv pre-print and its implications (Audebert et al.)

2023-01-20 - blog post about how the site was created

2022-12-30 - first version of the site

2022-12-15 - selection of the Hugo and theme adaptation for lisibilty

2022-11-01 - decision to make a hosted blog